Since childhood, there has always been a deep-rooted passion within me for both animals and photography. The way animals move, the innocence in their eyes, and the beauty of nature have always captivated me. Capturing these moments through the lens of a camera allows me to freeze those fleeting instances in time, preserving them for eternity.

Each photo I take is a testament to the profound connection I feel with the natural world, showcasing the unique personalities and raw emotions of the animals I encounter.

Through photography, I aim to convey the pure essence of these creatures and share my love for them with the world.


Louise Peck

Bournemouth’s portrait and lifestyle dog & horse photographer.

Louise is a dog & horse photographer based in Bournemouth who captures the unique and beautiful personalities of dogs & horses.

Louise is originally from South Africa and with her husband and two daughters, made the UK their new home 7 years ago.